September 17, 2021

Lessons [Tokyo] Olympics Teach Us; for Business and Personal Growth

#1: “The biggest risk is not taking any risk” — Mark Zuckerberg

Uncovering the Hidden Gems

Sporting events have formed an essential aspect of human existence for years, and for the Olympics, its history and implications have been felt for decades. And more yet to come. On Sunday, August 8th, the Olympics closing ceremony took place, and this marked an important aspect of the event. Irrespective of nationalities, the past events that had taken place were key in supplementing the final ceremony, graced by the different colors from multiple nations.

In looking at the final Olympic medals table, one can evidently see the wins, yet behind all these, key aspects had contributed to the success and the overall implications. With over 11,000 athletes taking part, the 2021 Olympics exhibited key lessons that one can borrow as a necessity for personal growth. Nonetheless, with the rising globalization, these lessons are evidently applicable within the business domain. Business competition is imminent, and as such, abilities in adopting tools and practices that can supplement business success become fundamental in remaining relevant and successful.

Lesson #1: Take [Calculated] Risks

With thousands of entries in the Tokyo 2021 Olympics, one’s success in the games was not guaranteed. Nonetheless, belief in one’s ability and taking the jump towards the games is key in allowing the subsequent wins. As an athlete, there is power in focusing on the result, while applying measures that make this process successful. Even within the same national team, others also exist focused on winning the same medal, an aspect that depicts the country-based competition. Moreover, within oneself, there is the doubt that can arise, and the fear that likely makes one feel unworthy.

Irrespective of all these reasons and factors, the 2021 Olympics saw thousands take part, and old a few win medals. In the end, if there is no trying, there is no guarantee of realizing the outcomes or knowing one’s possibilities. These lessons apply also to personal growth, especially when feeling doubtful. Before getting selected for the Olympics team, practice and assessments are always part of the process and as such, one can understand their abilities. This means, even in personal life, taking time to build oneself requires the belief in your abilities and the desire in taking risks.

Lesson #2: Capitalize on Diversity

The United States ranked 1st, with 113 medals (39 gold), followed by China with 88 medals (38 gold) and third by Japan with 58 medals (27 gold). With over 50 disciplines existing in the Tokyo Olympics, the ability of countries in having teams in multiple disciplines was key in realizing the overall outcome. Through the diversification technique, and with a focus on disciplines teams held confident in, the overall success rate was key in winning medals. Overall, there was power in numbers, with the different athletes representing their countries for the final wins. In the end, the combined individual wins acted as the epitome of seeing distinct countries emerge as successful in Tokyo.

Nonetheless, despite diversification being key, knowing one’s strengths and focusing on those areas has more positive implications than just diversifying without positive outcomes. This is evident in the games, in that as opposed to single athletes taking part across all games, the best of the best partook their role within specific disciplines. Personal development is key, and this is also better realized by understanding oneself, and capitalizing on one’s strengths. And with skills and abilities varying, finding what works well and applying tools in that area has a better chance of creating better outcomes. All in all, recognizing the power and adoption of diversity is essential for growth.

Lesson #3: Focus on the Goal, Not Age

The Tokyo Olympics had a diversified group, with participants ranging from as low as 13 years to over 60 across the varied disciplines. If there is the pinning of one’s age and history to their performance, most of the results evident in the games would not have been realized. Through the games, and with each passing day, countries and individuals added wins and amazing performances to their names.

This aspect is key in supplementing the need in taking risks. Sometimes as we pursue measures towards growth, there is the likelihood of finding a reason for falling back. Nonetheless, rather than too much focus on our weaknesses or loopholes like magnificent differences in age, there is a need in putting these aspects aside and pushing forward. It is also useful to cross-examine the hindrances and apply techniques that can support them. This also means pursuing goals that align with your desires and that are also relevant.

In the games, winnings across the various disciplines were not for everyone. This means, despite the age differences, there were some games that were favorable to certain ages, while others statistically favored others. This aspect is also key in business and life. Despite age and time not being hindrances, evaluating the situation, and utilizing your resources in areas that offer a better chance for success are important. Decisions need to be calculated, especially if one is limited on their resources, which include time and skills.

Lesson #4: Put in the Hours and Dedication

Becoming the best, and winning is based on multiple things, of which dedication is key in making things work out. Throughout the games, it was possible to see athletes do amazing things. However, nothing is shown culminating in their final wins and successes. There is effort, commitment, hours of training, and dealing with constant discouragement comes with it. Becoming the perfect self is not an easier task, and one needs to adopt tools that can support this process. By focusing on making daily improvements, no matter how minor they may seem, in the end, these add up to our benefit and has the power in impacting our wellness.

It is possible, that sometimes in business and in personal life things might take time, as they usually do. While other times, the process is very fast that we are amazed by the outcomes. This diversity is okay. What is not okay, is to “give up”. If there is passion in all we do, searching and finding the power in pushing things through is important. And this begins by getting a success mindset and pushing oneself towards success. Things might get hard, as they will do; yet this does not mean letting them remain as they are. Getting dedicated, training oneself, and trying our best is useful in setting measures in place that in the end, will bring better outcomes. As a business owner, investing in one’s endeavor, hiring the right employees, supporting through training, and always motivating them becomes useful. The ability in surpassing the competition is pegged on doing more than what is needed and this calls on effort.

Lesson #5: Remember and Appreciate the Motherland

One thing that was clear in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics was how it was colorful, and this was supplemented by the different attires and flags from varied nations. Participation in the games was not only a team process but also a national affair. This forms the basis for the realized wins and the subsequent celebrations culminated by the playing of the winner’s national anthems. The splendor and smiles that come with the wins have their origins, and this comes down to one’s motherland.

Progressing and reaching the Olympics is a culmination of different factors, ranging from personal investment and training, support from colleagues or teammates, and the overall nation through infrastructures and other associated support. This also is evident in personal growth and business development. Although winnings come, recognizing the valuable support and implications that others have made in supporting one’s success is key. This builds down to appreciating, rewarding, and also giving back to the community. There is a joy to hear one’s nation’s anthem being played at the Olympics, irrespective of whether one is an athlete or not. If the win was evidently individual, the joy if felt across the nations and the globe. Success is a journey, and in this journey, the impact of others in our lives is key.

We Continue to Rise as We Progress

The Tokyo Olympics might have ended, yet their implications continue for years on a personal and national level. And with key aspects defining the games, getting key aspects that we can apply in personal growth is key. This starts with the 5 lessons and others that one can decipher both from the games and other life occurrences. There is power in the application, which means despite having skills and knowledge, getting them out is the first step in measuring their impacts, on a personal level and in one’s business domain.

The Olympics teach us that true greatness is not about winning gold medals, but about striving for your personal best, pushing yourself to the limit, and doing it all with style, grace, and a bit of elegance.