How We Got Here
Sometimes, being noticed is associated with making the income we desire. Having an easier way to reach that goal is very useful. As hard as it sounds, it is sometimes better to focus on alternative options that offer you the best exposure. There is no need to write a personal blog in this competitive global scope, which is unknown to anyone in the initial phases. With time, things can catch up. However, relying on already existing platforms was the best option before then.
And in picking, you have a starting point
Some challenges exist with going in the personal website direction. First, nobody knows about this brand new website in the initial phases. Secondly, there is no domain authority (DA) or page authority (PA), a critical Google ranking factor that will impact the blog's success. Thirdly, as a new blog, it is disadvantageous as it is not search engine optimized, i.e., in the beginning, phase, there is no Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Fourthly, as a new blog or news website, there is taking time for Google and other search engines to rank it, i.e., understanding it as part of its algorithm successfully. Fifth, there is no immediate feedback loop as a new blog, and it will take time to collect the proper information. Last but not least, for the new website, realizing benefits or incomes takes longer. If things do not work out first, it can take over 6 to 24 months to realize positive outcomes.
However, some of the noticeable options to start are:
1- Buy Me Coffee
The most efficient platform is Buy Me Coffee. Here, you have the easier option to create the post and locate it in the right place that will allow you to get paid. As a content creator, you'll want to share your material with your audience, whether videos, photographs, podcasts, or unique songs. Creators can use posts to more meaningfully share their work, and Members-only, supporter-only, and public postings can all be created and shared on Buy Me a Coffee.
Regardless of whether they are paid supporters or members, everyone will have access to a public post. They're similar to "blog posts" in that they're open to anyone with a web browser or a mobile phone. We always recommend that creators add a few public posts to their page. Using Buy Me Coffe significantly the public posts, one has a way of spreading around, so public posts are a fantastic way to promote it.
2- Medium
Medium! Medium! Medium! Medium is a terrific place to start if you're getting started as a writer, especially if you're not a native English speaker. Medium will also overlook your minor errors. Although most new writers begin here, Medium ranks as one of the excellent places to start. Also, Medium receives approximately 150 million monthly visits and ranks in the top 300 websites. Hence, as a starting point, using Medium is very useful with many benefits. Lastly, Medium is advantageous because it is simple and free to write on
3- LinkedIn
If you're a newbie writer, LinkedIn might be difficult to navigate; you won't be able to build meaningful connections if your craft isn't up to par. Because the LinkedIn audience is distinct from the media audience, with CEOs, managers, executives, professional writers, and business owners accounting for the majority of LinkedIn users. On the other hand, many users on Medium, including new writers, students, and people who just read on Medium without producing specific content. Medium and LinkedIn have some valuable aspects. And looking at some of them can help you decide on the right option.
First, on Medium, you can easily follow anyone by just clicking on their profile and following that person if you like their profile. However, on the other hand. You can examine a lot more information about a profile, their job experience, their activity, profession, company, and their actual work on LinkedIn than merely following them. What matters is that if you don't have a professional-looking LinkedIn profile, no one will follow you. This is a harsh reality, but it is instrumental in making literary judgments, particularly in the early stages.
Get to explore, and in exploring we have power to grow
4- Twitter
A fourth option is utilizing the short messaging social platform or service Twitter. Irrespective of the staying level, Twitter is efficient for anyone and in different industries. I would advocate Twitter to any writer, whether they are a beginner, intermediate, or experienced. However, like on LinkedIn, gaining a Twitter following can be difficult. Elon Musk must use Twitter to engage with like-minded individuals. Why would people accept you if there isn't something valuable to offer? However, if you're an expert in any sector, you can use Twitter rather than just Medium.
Final Thoughts
Regardless of skill level, industry, or objective, everyone needs a platform to be heard and seen. And, among the major platforms, we all want a personal blog. There are, however, some significant options that can make the voyage less unpleasant. This includes:
- Buy Me Coffee
- Medium
You'll want to share your material with your audience, whether videos, photographs, podcasts, or unique songs. So, get going as you work on having your blog.
A personal blog for writers is not just a platform to share your thoughts, but also a source of income. Explore the alternatives like affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, e-book sales and online courses to monetize your writing.