July 6, 2021

Positive Living: Just be Positive, It Holds its Unimaginable Power

Taking on life begins with one’s attitude, manifested all round

While running through online, I came around an image, with the words:

“The Sun will always rise, and the dogs will always be happy to see you.”

Well, honestly, not the kind of dogs in my neighborhood [lol]. Nonetheless, the message is clear. No matter what as an individual you are going through, there is always something that brings light to one’s life. No matter how bad the day was, “The Sun will always Rise,” and in its rising, we can find our inner peace and joy for a fantastic day.

Positivity has Overflow Implications

As the Sun Rises, Embrace its Light, Always

Positivity helps realize a good day, and this starts with how we handle our mornings. Given the numerous things that might have gone in our lives the previous day and the just ended night, the mentality we hold as the day starts has massive implications on what comes our way, what stays, and what goes away during the day. Disappointments exist, and that is the nature of the world. And in the same way that we desire to have all the best, in our current conditions, there is someone out there also dreaming key life aspects that are different from our own.

As humans, goals and desires come as part of life. All in all, the joy comes from attaining these goals, which relies on our mindset. Irrespective of the challenges one has suffered, positive attitudes as the day starts can help supplement our progress during the day. As such,,,,,,,,,,,, always start your day with a positive mind.

It is Our Diversity that Defines Us

As humans, something that makes us who we are is the diversity and uniqueness we so much hold. And in this scope, the way we handle our issues boils down to how unique and diverse we are.

Given that every day brings its own problems managing these issues is what determines how we will end our days amid all the noise that comes with it. And since as humans, positivity helps shape our lives, the same is not valid for everyone, and this is okay. Although authors can explain and promote the need for positive attitudes in life, sometimes our tribulations make us see this positive concept as not working. And there is power in all this. It is essential to have ‘Hope’, in that irrespective of our problems, there is an overall positive outcome in everything.

This statement itself holds the power that we all need towards making it through our problems. It creates a sense of care and hope that comes with each day. As opposed to restricting and fighting nature, it calls upon us to realize wellness by starting with having a positive mindset.

As we go on with our daily lives, we need to have the openness that comes with nature. And this starts in the morning. Another aspect of diversity is also evident in the time we rise. Although some might see 5:00 AM as the epitome of their morning, some see 3:00 AM as the start of their day. And then there are those whose day starts at 1:00 PM, and it is alright. All in all, we have our differences, and they are all aligned with what we do during the day and in the culmination of our overall life. Thus, irrespective of what time our day starts, it is in us to always remain Positive,,,,,, Positive & Positive.

Our Positive Attitude has Overflow Implications

Have you ever started your day, and by the end of it, conclude that how you began contributed 110% to how the whole day went? Yes, this is something that has happened to me many a time. Mostly, the minor things that occur as early as we rise have the power to impact our entire day. In some cases, the impact can have significant positive outcomes. On other days, the implications can out worse. And let me tell you something, it is okay because “The Sun will always Rise.”

Each day, there is the desire to have amazing days. Nonetheless, sometimes, things go opposite, and it makes us feel very bad. Even after our day has been ruined, we have an opportunity to control the remaining time and make changes that can help us handle our realities. If you see that something tends to ruin your day, it is helpful to create a mechanism to help manage this issue. With over 24 hours at our disposal, our attitude and positivity throughout the day determine how the other hours will unfold.

Final: It Starts with Me, Us, then with Them

Our environment, the people in our lives, and those around our lives have significant implications for us. As such, it is possible that even though we desire to have a positive attitude and day, the environment and others can make this sometimes hard. On other days, they create aspects that make our life very positive and good. It starts with ourselves if we are to have a joyous day and experience the beauty in nature. No matter who we associate with, how we handle the outcome helps impact the rest of our hours and days to come.

So, keep a positive attitude, and give your best towards wellness. This is because there is hope, as “The Sun will always Rise, and the Dogs will be happy to see You.”

Positive living is the key to unlock unimaginable power within yourself. Just be positive and let it flow through you, and you will be amazed at what you can achieve.